
Level 1 (2)

There is some thought to the layout and flight path for at least one of the stages. 

Lacks style and has haphazard blocks throughout the stages.  

Some design touches that are added along the three stages. 

Level 2 (5)

There is a clear plan as to how the ‘ball’ is allowed to fly either from the Tee-off, Flight or Putt.  

There is definite method in the style of the three stages with good use of bocks that compliment the diversity of the components. 

Attention to detail is obvious with some flourishing touches to a golf course look and feel that  are added making the whole environment very pleasing and personal. 

Level 3 (10)

Excellent and definite layout of blocks, style and , therefore, accuracy to land every stage from Tee-Off to Putt. 

There are details that go far beyond the just adding blocks for the machines to work - lots of personal touches from the entire team are clear to see. 


Level 1 (2)

Plain blocks. Repetitive. Lacks diversity in block choice  and is working it’s way to being  marvellous. 

Level 2 (5)

Good use of a wider range of blocks, components and thoughtful flight.  

The aim for the marvellous flight is clear and has some fun or exciting changes in that way the ‘ball’ moves. 

An attempt at the use of some of the other mechanics in Minecraft to make a ‘ball’ fly. 

Level 3 (10)

Amazing use of blocks, materials and clever use of Minecraft Education Edition extras to incorporate into the ‘flight’ ‘Tee-off’ or ‘Putt’. 

Tee off 

Level 1 (2)

‘ball’ does not get off the Tee. 

Nor passes the lines. 

Energy transfer struggles to reach the ‘Flight’ component. 

Level 2 (5)

‘ball’ passes the lines and in full flight. 

Hits the target for the Redstone flight contraptions. 

Level 3 (10)

Tee off is fully in flight. Clearly shows accuracy for the target with Redstone machines. 

Tee off shows attempts at  the longest tee-off. 


Level 1 (2)

The flight only has single or minimal components such as repeaters. 

Connection from the Tee-off is inaccurate.

Connection to the Putt is inaccurate. 

Level 2 (5)

The flight has some interesting changes or materials involved that allows the free flow of the ‘ball’ from tee-off to putt. 

Connects to the Putt cleanly. 

Level 3 (10)

The flight is utterly incredible. It is very diverse, has accurate components, some or many inventive methods of exchange with a very wide variety of materials, blocks or the special mechanics that are for the Education Edition of Minecraft. 


Level 1 (2)

Putt is inaccurate and has difficulty in connecting to the flight.  

Level 2 (5)

Putt connects to the flight well. 

Putt is accurate if not all the time. 

Level 3 (10)

Putt is very accurate and has a clearly thought out connection from the flight. 

A clear attempt at a long or longest putt is shown. 


Level 1 (2)

Beyond Redstone. Some changes to the Flight of the ‘ball’ - for example, boats, water flows, slime or references to research from prominent or well-known Minecrafters.  

Level 2 (5)

Going beyond Redstone - use of some components that are only within the Minecraft Education application are in use. 

There are clear references to research - how a machine works and how the team learned a new mechanism. 

Level 3 (10)

There are several mechanics from the Minecraft Education Edition that have been used to great effect.  

There are links to the research made by the team that is shown within the machine’s make up or with team’s problem solving. 

Video /submission 

Level 1 (2)

Video is plain with a basic walkthrough and limited to no back reference of build techniques or team collaboration in the weeks running up to submission.

Level 2 (5)

Video has a good walkthrough, clearly shows teamwork in the build and has some tips, trials and tribulations for the journey to submission. 

Level 3 (10)

Includes most of the team, there screen or their voices. 

The video is a full collaboration of the team’s build, the steps the team took to success. It shows a full game walkthrough with very clear progress of how the team planned out the game and the final product. 

There is clear involvement form all team members.